Preschool 3's Program
Year Round Care Options for preschool-aged children
Full-Time: 5 Full Days 7:00am - 5:30pm
Part-Time: 3 Full Days 7:00am - 5:30pm
OR 5 Half-Days 8:00 am - 11:30am

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Look how Smart we all are...​
At Small Steps Academy, we know that children become very talkative at this age. They start to ask a lot of questions, too! We love watching your 3-to 4-year old's attention span grow and more verbal skills develop. They will learn to follow instructions and express their needs and thoughts. The transition from toddler to preschooler can be bumpy. Parents can still expect a fair share of meltdowns and tantrums. Yet, this behavior is mixed with silliness and a creative spirit that thrives on independence and structured play.
Here are some skills your 3-4 year-old might be doing:
Communication & Language Skills - speaks 250 to 500 words; says his or her name and age; answers simple questions; speaks in sentences of 5-6 words, and speak in complete sentences by age 4; tells stories
Gross motor movement and physical development - walks up and down stairs, alternating feet - one foot per step; kicks, throws, and catches a ball; climbs well; runs more confidently; rides a tricycle; hops and stand on one foot for up to 5 seconds; bends over without falling; helps put on and remove clothing
Social & emotional - becomes more social; takes turns, and begins to show some problem-solving skills; imitates parents and friends; shows affection for familiar family and friends; understands the idea of "mine" and "his/hers;" shows a range of emotions, such as being sad, angry, happy, or bored
Cognitive - correctly names familiar colors; understands the idea of same and different; follows 3-part commands; remembers parts of a story; understand time better (i.e., morning afternoon, night); sorts objects by shape and color; completes age-appropriate puzzles; identifies common objects and pictures

Small Steps provides a safe, nurturing and Christian environment that feeds your child's faith. Children are taught social skills and how to feel comfortable expressing their emotions and in handling transitions.
Daily activities include Bible stories, discovery play, songs and music, outside play, nap time, snack time, arts and crafts, fine and gross motor skills, letter and number time, as well as learning activities and games. Everyday is a journey through the senses as we explore weekly, theme-based play!
Chapel is held every Wednesday and our families are welcome to attend.